Step 5 in the domain registration process allows you to check over your registration details, and provide payment information.
a. Order Details. Your final domain registration total.
b. Contact information. All but the Technical Contact information should be the same as the information that you submitted for your GKG username. The technical information should say GKG.
c. Change links. These links allow you to replace a contact with a different GKG username.
d. DNS information. You must enter the primary and secondary DNS numbers from your service provider here. Do not enter the IP Number.
e. Payment Information. Enter your payment information here. GKG's credit card database verifies statement information such as billing address for the card. Be sure to type in the information exactly as it is on the statement, or you may receive an error message. Also, please be sure not to include any spaces in your credit card number.
f. GKG Registration Agreement. Be sure to read the Domain Registration Agreement Form, and click the box.
g. Submit for Processing. Click here to process your payment information and receive an electronic receipt for your transaction.

You are now finished.